Discreet shipping for sex toys
At MotsuToys, we understand the importance of your privacy, and we respect that you may not want your mailman or roommate to know what you've ordered. That's why we ship your order in a plain cardboard box with no reference to MotsuToys whatsoever. There are no pictures or text on the outside of the box that indicate the contents of the shipment. This ensures that your privacy is protected.
This is what your package will look like, though the size will of course vary depending on your order:
What will the address label state?
On the address label, you'll find your address along with our discreet return address, which reads:
This return address is used by many different webshops, even if someone were to look up this address, they would not be able to determine what you ordered from our shop. Your privacy and discretion are of utmost importance to us.
Can you remove the packaging of my onahole?
Unfortunately, we can't remove and replace the packaging on products since that would take to much hussle because every product has it's own barcode. However, we have a couple of products that we sell without package, may conflict with local law.
If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact us.
Does MotsuToys use discreet payment?
Of course! We want to guarantee your privacy at every step of the ordering and delivery process. We offer a bunch of different payment options, and each of these is safe and discreet. Rest assured that our company name or the type of item you ordered will never appear on your bank statements or payment overviews. We take pride in ensuring that your personal information and purchasing history are kept private.